Simeon Levin Authorised Representative of
Fitzpatricks Private Wealth Pty Ltd

Simeon Levin has worked as a financial adviser since 2001 and established her own financial services practice in 2005.

She is the principal adviser at Simfin and delivers a comprehensive financial advice service to a group of 38 clients (and their families).

Simeon’s vision is to enrich the lives of her clients.

She works best with busy professional people who understand the importance of staying financially well organised (but are often too busy to stay in control of things themselves).

Simeon is also passionate about assisting families through the financial aspects of separation and divorce.  She is a collaboratively trained financial neutral specialist and in this role, works with a team of family lawyers and relationship consultants to resolve relationship breakdown with dignity and respect.

Simeon is originally from Cape Town in South Africa and migrated to Australia in 1997. She loves cooking for family and friends and has previously trained for sprint triathlon events.  She cares about the welfare of animals and supports a number of animal charities and their efforts.


  • Self Managed Superannuation Funds (Kaplan Professional), course completed in 2016
  • Life Risk Specialist Practitioner (FPA), course completed in 2015
  • Certified Financial Planner (FPA), course completed in 2008
  • Diploma of Financial Planning (FPA), course completed in 2005
  • Member of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) since 2000
  • Diploma of Sales & Marketing Management (South Africa), course completed in 1992

Areas of expertise

Investment and Portfolio Construction

Retirement Planning and Pensions

Estate Planning

Asset Protection and Business Structures

Insurance advice for individuals and business owners


Tax Effective Wealth Strategies

Wealth Creation

Debt Management

Divorce and Financial Settlements

Strategic Financial Advice


  • 14 years financial advising with more than 10 years as principal adviser



Jane Needham SC (Barrister)

“I met Sim when she was appointed as financial expert in my matrimonial property settlement collaboration. She made the process much easier and much more co-operative than it could otherwise have been. After the settlement, I engaged her as my own financial advisor. She assisted me through the process of changing banks, refinancing, and settling my financial affairs in a way which allows me to have more certainty and control in the future. She manages to work with me without being intimidating or overly technical, which I appreciate. I am now able to look my finances in the eye!”

Kevin Christopher (Compliance Manager) & Nikki Christopher (Accountant)

“Simeon has been our financial advisor for over 10 years. Based on her advice we have made some excellent investments and weathered the storm of the global financial crisis, emerging pretty much unscathed. Meetings with Simeon are always uplifting – we have a good laugh, some serious discussions, and we always leave feeling energised and full of confidence in our financial future. Sometimes we even get permission to blow some of our hard-earned cash on frivolous toys! While we obviously know this is not the case, Simeon makes us feel as if we are her only clients; she does what she says she will do and in the agreed time frame. It’s been a pleasure working with Simeon in the past, and we look forward to continuing our relationship for many years to come.”

Janice Young (Copy Writer/Editor)

“I appointed Simeon Levin as my financial adviser in 2008 and I am very pleased that I did. From the very beginning, Simeon has provided independent, sound and effective advice and guidance. She has also dealt with some complicated financial issues on my behalf. I greatly appreciate her efforts to ensure my future financial security while also keeping my current financial affairs in order. In comparison, my previous financial adviser seemed only to be concerned with selling product and earning his commission, not on what was best for me. Simeon is trustworthy, knowledgeable, totally professional and genuinely caring. She keeps me informed on important issues and developments, she is proactive and she is very responsive; I can contact her at any time, knowing that she will always get back to me promptly.”

Christine Bellemore (Executive Lawyer) & David Simpson (Business Improvement Manager)

“We first met Sim in Sep 2009. We were financially disorganised and concerned about our future. From our first meeting we were impressed. Sim helped us gather together years of paperwork as a baseline. She did not give up on us even when we were quite tardy with the documents. She then slowly and methodically went through all of the detail and provided us with a plan we could start working on. We visit Sim twice a year for a formal get together. She constantly keeps us updated. Through her guidance and sometimes our reluctance, we are now in a much better financial position. I have recommended Sim to family and friends and highly recommend her now.”

Mona Da Gama (IT Project Manager)

“It is important to me to have a financial advisor that I can trust, takes my objectives into account and delivers results. Simeon and I have worked together on my financial affairs for over 8 years. During that time we have had some robust discussions, she has always represented my interests, provided sound financial advice, delivered results and we have had fun along the way. I look forward to a continued fruitful relationship that sets me up for retirement.”

Margaret Miller-Argue (Retired Widow)

“Simeon Levin has been extremely knowledgeable with all aspects of my Self Managed Super Fund and especially in her guidance to me, being a relative newcomer to the more complicated details of money management. Your advice and guidance regarding investments for the growth of the super fund is always much appreciated.”

Nonna Martinov-Bennie (Academic)

“Simeon has looked after the financial affairs of myself and my family for 2 years.  Throughout this time she has facilitated all aspects of our integrated financial plan including estate and succession planning.  She has proved professional and approachable in all our dealings in this time. She has provided unexpected but very effective solutions and alternatives to financial security and retirement planning.  Her advise has brought clarity, strategy and security to our financial affairs.  Were I to change anything, it would be to seek her council many years earlier.”

Ian Law (Retired Designer)

“I have always been a ‘creative’ person, having worked as a designer all my life, but I have recently retired. My eyes actually glaze over whenever words like tax and money are used. However, since I became a client of Simeon’s eight years ago she has effortlessly guided me through all the mysteries of superannuation, helped me with transition to retirement, retirement, post retirement etc. Everything runs smoothly and I know that I have the wonderful Simeon looking after me. Thanks Simeon.”

Eve Reed (Dietician)

“It is important to me to have someone I trust as a financial advisor. Simeon definitely fits this bill. She looks after all my financial affairs in a professional manner so that I can sleep well at night. I always feel that Simeon has my best interests at heart and is easy to contact when I need to.”

Janelle Wheatley (Early Childhood Teacher/Director) & Gerard Wheatley (Small Business Owner)

“Simeon Levin has been our financial advisor for many years and we have developed a relationship where we can utilise her words of wisdom on many levels. This has been particularly helpful in the sale of our small businesses. Simeon has guided us through some decisions that were life changing in terms of our finances and we are grateful for her support. Simeon is always willing to research to find answers, link us with other professionals or find the best avenue for our investments. Under her guidance we have delved into self managed superannuation, as well as the share and property markets. When we first met Simeon, she guided us to make long term goals. One of these goals was to travel to New York. We thought this would be a retirement goal but with sound financial advice and the flexibility of our plans, we holidayed in New York in 2011. Retirement is still a few years away but we trust Simeon to guide our finances into this next phase.”

Contact Details
Simeon Levin

02 9956 3835

Request a meeting
Level 9, 10 Spring Street, Sydney NSW 2000

02 9956 3835

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